Jun 18, 2008

Bruno Sets a Release Date

Sasha Baron Cohen is giving me a wonderful birthday present next year, even if it is a day late. "Bruno: Delicious Journeys Through America for the Purpose of Making Heterosexual Males Visibly Uncomfortable in the Presence of a Gay Foreigner in a Mesh T-Shirt" will be released May 15th, 2009. Again my prediction will be: I will love it, almost everyone else will hate it. People will say he's gone too far. Then again, by that time Who in the hell knows what America will be like? I didn't think I'd be playing 4 bucks a gallon and seeing California allow Gay marriage so what do I know?

Bruno Gets an Epic Summer Blockbuster Release Date | /Film

Jun 17, 2008

Unholiest Film Moments

So, I was talking with someone the other day about moments in film that just make your skin crawl. I was referring to their as "Unholy".

The Prophecy

It took a long time to find this first clip, as it is one of my favorites. Please go watch this whole movie as it will rock your socks off. Forgotten masterpiece.

The Prophecy is full of great scenes, like Viggo Mortenson as Satan, the Devil, a former Lucifer, well, you get the idea.

Also: I couldn't find a clip, but here's another great mini-speach from Walken as the angel Gabriel:

"I'm an angel. I kill firstborns while their mamas watch. I turn cities into salt. I even, when I feel like it, rip the souls from little girls, and from now till kingdom come, the only thing you can count on in your existence is never understanding why. "


You may disagree, but Wishmaster 1, 2, and 4 ROCK. Well, 1 & 2 Rock, 4 is just mearly OK. One contained nods to other horror greats. Robert Englund (Freddie), Kane Hodder (Jason), Ted Raimi (sam's brother), Angus Scrimm (Tall Man from Phantasm), and in this scene Tony Todd (Candyman).

Texas Chainsaw Massacre

An oldie, but a goodie: Leatherface presumably needs to make hu-burgers so, here it is, the meathook scene.

Quick question hot shot: did you see the hook go in her back?

Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth

Pinhead goes to church but I don't think he's in the mood to hear preaching. This one pretty much takes the cake.

While I'm not going to include any clips, any 30 seconds from part of the "August Underground" Trilogy counts as unholy. Go look it up for yourself.


TopatoCo: Apolitical Pyromaniac Shirt (Preorder)

The anti-climatic demise of Ultra Magnus

Can't stop thinking about this scene from Transformers the movie today:

YouTube - The anti-climatic demise of Ultra Magnus

Jun 16, 2008

Ghetto Blaster

Cool Stuff: Graffiti Star Wars AT-AT | /Film

Stan Winston is Dead

Who will build our monsters now? Cancer took him away. Let's take a little look at the great man's work, shall we? First a clip, it's just a slide show of a lot of his effects work. Plus, it's got "Nightwish" as the background music.

Next I want to show a piece of cinema history. This is a rare 1990 Teaser shot by Stan Winston with Arnold on an off Kindergarten Cop day. I remember this clip getting me all insane over T2. Even though, when I watched the first Terminator as a kid I got scared and ran and hid in my uncle's lap.

Lastly, we look at a project Winston directed and created effects for: "A Gnome Named Gnorm". This mind sticks out most in my mind because if the proclivity for references to boobs, butts, and hitting people in the testicles.

Stan Winston is Dead | /Film

Futurama Cast

It's like, almost everybody. Click on the pic for enbiggenment.

futurama_cast.png (PNG Image, 1600x661 pixels)

Jun 14, 2008

Death Race Movie Trailer

JASON STATHAM DOESN'T MAKE A BAD MOVIE, IT FAILS HIM. If we're gonna talk in generalities: Chuck Norris is Jason Statham's bitch.

Death Race Movie Trailer | /Film

Jun 13, 2008

YouTube - Contra Trailer

Possibly the greatest trailer of all time.

YouTube - Contra Trailer

Jun 12, 2008

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Movie Trailer | /Film

David Fincher & Brad Pitt back together again. I'm with you, I totally hate the music in this trailer too. But trust me. It'd gonna be an art film you can stomach. SEEK IT OUT. SEE IT.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Movie Trailer | /Film

Jun 11, 2008

A Softer World: 316

A Softer World: 316

First Look: RoboCop Remake | /Film

I knew of a remake, and now this mock-up? They don't even have a director yet. (HEY HOLLYWOOD, I'M AVAILABLE.)

First Look: RoboCop Remake | /Film

American Babylon A.D. Movie Trailer | /Film

I was interested when I saw a teaser, but this trailer has me more interested now.

American Babylon A.D. Movie Trailer | /Film

Annals Of Anal Beads: Enjoy These Complimentary Anal Beads, Courtesy Of Fox Searchlight's 'Choke'

If you have read the book you know why this is extra funny.

Annals Of Anal Beads: Enjoy These Complimentary Anal Beads, Courtesy Of Fox Searchlight's 'Choke'

Bumblebee Dancing

I only posted this because you could tell ALOT of work went into it.

VOTD: Bumblebee Dancing | /Film

Transporter 3 French Teaser Trailer


Transporter 3 French Teaser Trailer | /Film: "Transporter 3"

Jun 8, 2008

Jetfire in Transformers 2


First Look: Jetfire in Transformers 2 | /Film

Jun 2, 2008

Tropic Thunder Viral Video

Possibly the best part of the whole evening.

VOTD: MTV Movie Award’s Tropic Thunder Viral Video | /Film

Jun 1, 2008

K2: The King, The Kong, and the Ugly

This makes me want to get a "You're an asshole, Billy Mitchell" T-shirt even more.

VOTD: K2: The King, The Kong, and the Ugly | /Film