Aug 31, 2007 Streaming Conan Episodes -

Conan is now streamed on the NBC website, sweet. Streaming Conan Episodes -


No comment.

xkcd - A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language - By Randall Munroe:

Aug 27, 2007

Don't try this, just play with what ya got.

Man Embarassed by Penis Size Secretly Gets His Brother to Have Sex With Girlfriend: " Manfred Schuh was so embarrassed about his penis size he got his brother Walter to step in and have sex with his girlfriend. Manfred, 26, insisted on turning off the lights and going to the bathroom. Walter would then enter the room and have sex. The girlfriend found out after 2 months when she turned the light on. 'She apparently had no idea. Both men look similar as they are brothers, and the older brother made a point of not speaking when he was impersonating his younger sibling,' said police. Manfred, from Germany, is said to have feared losing the 24 year old girlfriend if he did not 'perform well.'"

Schlitzie the Pinhead

Oh Schlitzie. You had such a sweet and funny way about you. Click the link below and become friends with the world's most famous pinhead.

The Human Marvels: Vindicating those once labeled as freaks.

Videos: Behind the Scenes of Wes Anderson’s The Darjeeling Limited | /Film

With the news of Owen Wilson attempting suicide just breaking, let's follow the link and take a look behind the scenes of The Darjeeling Limited, and think of happier times. Several videos after the link.

Videos: Behind the Scenes of Wes Anderson’s The Darjeeling Limited | /Film

Bat Boy: sick, but not viral.

indexed: Bat Boy: sick, but not viral.

xkcd: Interesting Life

xkcd - A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language - By Randall Munroe:

Poor Mule!

I just feel sorry for the little fella.

Dark Roasted Blend: Lords of the Logistics, part 5

Aug 26, 2007

Warning! God's Judgment Is Coming!

My only question is: is there anybody left?

Warning! God's Judgment Is Coming! - Weird Biz

new strong bad


Lappy 486

Mario Art

Some funny Mario and even Luigi art. You know you love it.

StopGeek � Amazing Mario Bros. Renditions.

The World's Ugliest Cars

Fun Article, lots of pictures. I always liked so called "ugly" cars.

The World's Ugliest Cars

Steampunk Lightsaber

I love Steam punk starwars. Why don't they make that a comicbook? I'd read it like, 800 times a day.

StarDestroyer.Net BBS :: View topic - Steampunk Lightsaber *now complete, not for 56k*: "You can see"

ALIENS VS. PREDATOR - Requiem Updates

The R-rated trailer for AVP-R has dropped, super cool! If you had any doubts, watch the trailer. The whole things drops on Christmas. The action in the trailer looks great. Before you goto the theaters or roll your eyes remember: It's just a popcorn movie. Don't expect art or great things. It's series of movies based on comic books. Unless it's Warren Ellis, it's not gonna shake your world. Ohhh, a Warren Ellis AVP. I think I just had a nerdgasam. You can find the website at:

AVP-R Red Band Trailer Hits! -

Aug 24, 2007

David Lynch: "The world has moved on" from film.

MTV: You shot Inland Empire using digital technology. Will you ever go back to film?

Lynch: Never. Digital is so friendly for me and so important for the scenes, a way of working without so much downtime. It's impossible to go back. Film is a beautiful medium, but the world has moved on. The amount of manipulation we can do, anybody can do, is so much the future. Film is so big and heavy and slow, you just die. It's just ridiculous.

The man knows of what he speaks. Like in this clip:


Boing Boing: David Lynch: "The world has moved on" from film.

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

This movie has been floating for a while from what I can gather, but I'm still excited to see it. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford stars Brad Pitt as Jessee James. Expect a lot of bank robberies fighting and shoots outs. With "3:10 to Yuma" coming out maybe westerns are making a comeback!

Bonus: "3:10 to Yuma" Trailer!

Movie Trailer: The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford | /Film

American Gladiators back on NBC!

It makes no sense, but I LOVE American Gladiators. I hate jocks, I hate sports, I hate watching the Olympics. But when FX breifly re-aired American Gladiators, I was glued to the TV. I even liked it as a kid. It's just bizarre. I just hope the keep the crazy names. Laser, Nitro, or Turbo.

American Gladiators to Return | /Film

The Darjeeling Limited - make your ass familar.

Wes Anderson is the new Woody Allen. Follow his tasty trail of films. Because when I think of the Darjeeling Limited I almost cum in my pants, well, I thought I had to share the love. It's coming out September 29th. below is a sampling from the sound track and then, the trailer. Please go see this. Any movie that teams up Jason Swartzman, Adrian Brodie, and Owen Wilson as brothers in India, well. Just Do It ok?

* The Rolling Stones’ Play With Fire
* The Kinks’ This Time Tomorrow
* The Kinks’ Strangers
* The Kinks’ Powerman
* Joe Dassin’s Champs Elysees
* Peter Sarstedt’s Where Do You Go to (My Lovely)
* Debussy’s Clair De Lune
* Beethoven’s Symphony No. 7 in A, Op. 92.

As a bonus: Wes Anderson's American Express ad. Almost as good as M. Night Shalmalon's.

The Darjeeling Limited Soundtrack | /Film

Southland Tales Pics

I'm telling you here if you've not heard it from me before: Southland Tales will either be amazing or it's gonna suck so hard. It's the most ambitious sophomore project maybe ever. This is from Richard Kelly, writer/director of Donnie Darko. I liked Donnie Darko, but I hate Donnie Darko fans. That is a whole other problem. There are new pics after the jump of Southland Tales and rumor has it a trailer will be out early September.

Southland Tales Update: Trailer First Week in September New SFX Photos �

A Message to Bruce Campbell

Alright, you're the Lord of the B-Movies. You're the coolest guy probably ever. When I met you, you told me "Jeff, you're not very scary." You were correct. Make the right decision. Make "Bubba Nosferatu". Paul Giamatti is begging you to do it. PAUL FREAKING GIAMATTI. The man is a acting machine. Did you see him in Private Parts?! He took a one dimensional character and turned it into something! Did you see American Splendor? Good Lord man, Paul Giamatti wants to be your Col. Tom Parker and you're getting cold feet? Get up, go get the moths out of the jump suit and do what you've gotta do!

Paul Giamatti waits for Bruce Campbell | /Film

Newest title: Aliens Vs. Predator: Requiem

Due out this christmas! Takin' AVP to da homelands! Now they've just gotta do Aliens Vs. Predator Vs. Freddy Vs. Jason. I'd LOVE that. I don't know why I'm crackin' jokes I love all these movies.

Fox Sings Aliens Vs. Predator - Requiem - Superhero Hype!

top 10 physically modified people

Awesome article, well documented (showed me somethings even I didn't know. Lots of vidoes and pics, well worth the visit.

top 10 physically modified people

"Be Kind, Rewind" Trailer

this move is going to change the world. I'd watch anything Micheal Gondry even farted at.

YouTube - (2008) Be Kind, Rewind Trailer

JLA will be all cg?

Justice League to be a CGI/Motion Capture Film!? I don't know if I buy this. Then again, I thought beowulf was a real movie and that's what they're comparing this to. I really hope it isn't and they'd make a lot of fan boys very happy.

Justice League to be a CGI/Motion Capture Film!? - Superhero Hype!

Ang Lee + NC-17 Rating? Seriously?

"Variety says the MPAA has given Ang Lee's Lust, Caution an NC-17 rating, and Focus Features has accepted it."

Wow, maybe if more companies and directors had balls like this the for show rules that theaters agree to would be dropped.

Focus Accepts NC-17 Rating for Lust, Caution -

Joe Mathlete Explains Today's Marmaduke


Joe Mathlete Explains Today's Marmaduke

Kanye West - Can't Tell Me Nothin' w/ Zach Galifianakis

Just get over yourself and watch it.

YouTube - Kanye West - Can't Tell Me Nothin' w/ Zach Galifianakis

Aug 13, 2007


Rumor now is that it's expected Peter Jackson will Produce the Hobbit and Sam Raimi will direct.

Peter Jackson and Sam Raimi to Make The Hobbit? | /Film

Aug 12, 2007

Gropecunt Lane

yet another reason for me to make my move to rural Britain.

Gropecunt Lane - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Frank Caliendo + Seinfeld = funny

I hate Seinfeld, but I love Frank Caliendo. I don't know what show this is from, it looks like the "Whose Line is it Anyway" stage, shrunk.

YouTube - Frank Caliendo impersonates every Seinfeld character

Bad News

Well, actually, Good news. Bad News is a proto-Spinal Tap in a different vein. It's still metal, but it's, well, you just have to watch to understand. I have a old Rhino Home Video copy of the two Comic Strip Presents episodes. Below is a link that has a music video I didn't even know was made, along with some history and MP3s and what not.

WFMU's Beware of the Blog: MP3 Truffles: I could play Stairway To Heaven when I was twelve

The PostSecret Video

This is making the rounds today and as I have all three books and read it all the time, why not my site too?


Hobbit Newz

Newline is courting Peter Jackson to comeback and make another money machine movie. Who can blame them? The man is the Orson Welles of this generation (he made the unmakeable movie, right?) and why not have him come back to make a prequel? Just make sure you pay him enough this time and you don't have to worry about those lawsuits when the filming is finished.

Peter Jackson to Return for The Hobbit? -

First Lost Boys 2 Casting News! -

Corey Feldman, Corey Haim and Jamison Newlander are all coming back for Lost Boys 2. Angus Sutherland - Keifer's half-brother (and son of Donald Sutherland ) will play the lead villain.

First Lost Boys 2 Casting News! -

Weird Hand Held Games

Go read this if not for the "Invisible Alien Neutralizer" Yes, it exists.

Aug 11, 2007

A collection of the accused with funny T-shirts

From the Smoking Gun a collection of mug shots feature people wearing ironic t-shirts. Pretty funny. Funnier than it sounds.

Stop Stitching - August 10, 2007

Aug 10, 2007


This is an album of children's songs with some noteable weird people doing a few: Penn Jillette (of Penn and Teller) and Daniel Johnston. This might be the best album ever made.

WFMU's Beware of the Blog: Goobers (MP3s)

Lars and the Real Girl

One of the writers from Six Feet Under has penned a film and I'm super interested! It's the story of a guy who falls in love with a real doll and starts treating her as real. The family panics and film is about the family trying to adjust. Sounds awesome.

Lars and the Real Girl Movie Trailer | /Film

Christopher Walken as a lead?!?!

When you think back, Christopher has been sorta pigeon holed as a "flavor" actor. Mergh. Well, somebody has gotten a freaking clue an this new movie "Five Dollars A Day" stars him as a career criminal who is proud he lives like a king on (get this) Five Dollars a Day. Full story after the jump.

Christopher Walken makes Five Dollars a Day | /Film

Iron Man: The suit in High-Res

A nice High-Res photo of the Iron Man suit. Like I've said before: I'm not a fan of the Iron Man comic book, but I'm jazzed about this movie.

Iron Man -

James Lipton recites "K-Fed Freestyle"

Not only does James Lipton recite a verse from "K-Fed Freestyle" but he also does a beer bong. Clearly this is a work of the Gods.

Via: VideoSift

James Lipton recites "K-Fed Freestyle" VideoSift


An album of traditional folk music in non traditional means. The Residents and Mark Mothersbaugh (of Devo fame) make appearances.

WFMU's Beware of the Blog: Potatoes (MP3s)

What The Bible Says About Flying Saucers

Just in case you were curious and wanted to hear from a very old record.

WFMU's Beware of the Blog: 365 Days #213 - Rev. O. W. 'Bud' Spriggs - What The Bible Says About Flying Saucers (mp3s)

New Kevin Smith Blog

Hey covered the newest "Zack and Miri" Sanfu with Rosario Dawson as well as covers his awesome 37th birthday bash and drops some knowledge and a few new projects. SUCK IT UP!

My Boring Ass Life

Lemmy Kilmister in Love

Those Music-O-philes out there might know that for a time Proto-speed Metal God Lemmy dated Shock Rock Queen Wendy O. Williams for a while. Well, they made a few songs together and the amazing MP3 Blog "Beware of the Blog" has posted two cuts I highly suggest downloading.

WFMU's Beware of the Blog: One For the Lovers Out There

Aug 6, 2007

Ridley Scott has lost his fucking marbles.

I'm not kidding. One of my fav directors, is trying to turn Monopoly in a damn movie. Well, at least it'll be interesting none the less...

Ridley Scott on Bringing Monopoly to Theaters -

ORSON WELLES explains the meaning of Rosebud in CITIZEN KANE

Welles explains Kane a bit and then there's a story about some weird press ongoings leading up to the film. Good read.

Wellesnet: The Orson Welles Web Resource � Blog Archive � ORSON WELLES
explains the meaning of Rosebud in CITIZEN KANE

Renewed Interest in Invisible Monsters?

Choke is in production right now and Chuck Palahniuk's Invisible Monsters is now in pre-production. Why not? He's the only rightful successor to "great living American Author" right now.

Renewed Interest in Chuck Palahniuk’s Invisible Monsters? | /Film

Aug 5, 2007

The Perry Bible Fellowship

New Perry Bible up!

The Perry Bible Fellowship