Nov 9, 2007


(6:34:57 PM) wittendebbie: well drinkg is oky doky ya know
(6:35:30 PM) budhacronx: lol, I know, but that's the old joke about how the radio announcers got their deep voices, smoking, drinking, and drinking coffee
(6:37:18 PM) budhacronx: if you make the trip to morehead again this time, I can bring you to the radio sation
(6:37:28 PM) budhacronx: it's state of the art, really and truely, it's worth the time
(6:37:28 PM) wittendebbie: you who said the last but i agree with with deb .adrink now and again is worth the wait
(6:37:58 PM) budhacronx: I'M NOT A DRUNK GRANDMA

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