Jan 6, 2008

New Chris Rock Material

I've been hoping to see a new Chris Rock special soon, somebody's gotta fill that void after Dave Chapelle left, and frankly, I just don't think Carlos Mancia is the man for that job. He's funny, but, he's just not Dave. Click though for a complete list, but here's some highlights:

On Bush: "He just doesn't give a fuck about you. In the history of not giving a fuck no one has ever given less of a fuck."

On Giuliani: "He's kind of like a pit bull. Great if you have burglars but if you don't, he'll probably eat your kids."

"People say he was great on 9/11, but what about 9/10, 5/21, 12/13, hell, pick a date, any date, the guy wasn't shit."


AlterNet: Blogs: Election 2008: Chris Rock: "Bush Has Made It Hard for a White Guy to Be Elected President"

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