Sep 16, 2007

Richard Belzer - Tv Dynomo

You might know him form his involvement in early SNL. You might know him from rare standup appearances. You most likely know him from Law & Order and Homicide. Richard Belzer loves conspiracy almost as much as yours truly and because the man introduced Andy Kaufman before he did the mighty mouse bit, here's two clips of some truely interesting Rihard Belzer TV.

(The head busting, law suit inducing goodness happens about 6 mins in.)

Also, I've Read his book: "UFOs, JFK, and Elvis: Conspiracies You Don't Have To Be Crazy To Believe" and even though though I consider his summation of the JFK cover-up to be "Big Oil" he's still got a good head on his shoulders. I also have to include this quote: "During the Friar's Club Roast (Comedy Central, Sunday December 1, 2002) of Chevy Chase, Belzer said, "The only time Chevy Chase has a funny bone in his body is when I fuck him in the ass.""

Richard Belzer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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