I've always been curious about everyday German WWII life. Doesn't everybody wonder how the other half lives? It seems to be a curious loophole in the understanding of the war, or any war really, not every german or even SS officer has to be the monster they were painted out to be by history. Very simply, a peek into an overlooked part of history.
Collections | Auschwitz through the lens of the SS: Photos of Nazi leadership at the camp
Sep 23, 2007
Collections | Auschwitz through the lens of the SS: Photos of Nazi leadership at the camp
Posted by
9/23/2007 08:33:00 AM
Family Guy Star Wars Special Sneek Peek
If don't mind mindless idiots laughing in the background, it's pretty decent. A whole 10 mins from the hour long episode.
YouTube - Family Guy Star Wars Special Sneek Peek
Posted by
9/23/2007 07:09:00 AM
Zodiac Director's Cut on track
OH LADY. Zodiac is the king of all serial killer movies. Well, the ones about real serial killers anyways. Where all the others failed, David Fincher succeeded. Now rumor has it that the new cut will be 25 mins longer stretching it to a full 3 hours of somehow being gloriously suspenseful. Yes, a 3 hour movie that is suspenseful, I don't know how it was done, either.
Zodiac Director’s Cut is 25 Minutes Longer? | /Film
Posted by
9/23/2007 06:13:00 AM
Quentin Tarantino keeps talking about making a porn movie
“… a cool sex movie that would take place in Stockholm, with a couple of Americans visiting a couple of Swedish friends… just going out drinking, having a good time, hooking up. If I actually do an erotic movie, I’m going to have to reveal what I find sexy, what turns me on… It’s got to be kind of kinky, because that’s what’s cinematic, that’s what’s fun. Everything else is just - shagging.”
I love Tarantino movies. I have to agree with everybody out there: Tarantino: make another Tarantino movie! However, It would be fun to have some people's minds blown, I think he's trying to find something to make a bigger mark with than with his first three movies. They're awesome, but they are all of the same stripe, a damn good stripe, mind you, but I think he's terrified of boring the audience.
Quentin Tarantino’s Porno Movie? | /Film:
Posted by
9/23/2007 06:08:00 AM
Sep 22, 2007
Sep 16, 2007
Fresh StrongBad
Wanna sign this petition, bromide?
Lappy 486
Posted by
9/16/2007 09:59:00 AM
Richard Belzer - Tv Dynomo
You might know him form his involvement in early SNL. You might know him from rare standup appearances. You most likely know him from Law & Order and Homicide. Richard Belzer loves conspiracy almost as much as yours truly and because the man introduced Andy Kaufman before he did the mighty mouse bit, here's two clips of some truely interesting Rihard Belzer TV.
(The head busting, law suit inducing goodness happens about 6 mins in.)
Also, I've Read his book: "UFOs, JFK, and Elvis: Conspiracies You Don't Have To Be Crazy To Believe" and even though though I consider his summation of the JFK cover-up to be "Big Oil" he's still got a good head on his shoulders. I also have to include this quote: "During the Friar's Club Roast (Comedy Central, Sunday December 1, 2002) of Chevy Chase, Belzer said, "The only time Chevy Chase has a funny bone in his body is when I fuck him in the ass.""
Richard Belzer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Posted by
9/16/2007 08:59:00 AM
Sep 15, 2007
I found the fuller version of the Gieco Caveman song! There is an mp3 of it here.
YouTube - Royksopp - Remind Me (Geico Version)
Posted by
9/15/2007 03:29:00 PM
Sep 14, 2007
Gotta get right with the Lord
Well, after that Danzig post, I feel like I need to get right with the Lord. So, here's a Christian music video to make things right.
Posted by
9/14/2007 06:15:00 PM
Glenn Danzig: A Man of Many Faces
Alright, I know my next video heavy post would be over British TV. I came across a cool clip of Glen Danzig and one thing lead to another, and well. This post happened. So sue me. First, Danzig likes to read:
I want that "anthropology of evil" book, sounds awesome. Danzig was on Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Here's proof:
I'm sorry, there's nothing else of that episode on you tube. Next, Danzig likes to lead an active life style:
Danzig like Wolverine, so do I!
He was offered the role of Wolverine and turned it down. I think he made the right decision. He is way too intense, his wolverine would have just killed everybody and hid in the mansion. Which is cool, but makes for a very short movie. Proof that Danzig could have cut it as Wolverine?
Jeet Kun Do: Deadly. Danzig: Deadly. Danzig doing Jeet Kun Do: Reason to buy a bomb shelter. Sadly, the bomb shelter couldn't withstand the nuclear power of one blow from Danzig. Alright, let's blow a few music videos and get this over with:
Two of my favoright non-"mother" Danzig songs. I also like that "Black Aria" stuff, but sadly, I lost it a long time ago. I need to download that again. There ya go. a whole Danzig post with no references to mother. Whoops!
Posted by
9/14/2007 04:52:00 PM
Alan Ball: My favoright Homosexual
While I'm waiting for Alan to pump out that Vampire show for HBO (that's still on the horizon, right? Please?) The "American Beauty" writer and "Six Feet Under" creator has a new movie called "Nothing Is Private". It's a comedy about pedophilia and racial discrimination. I hope I get around in Hollywood one day enough to meet him. SlashFilm is reporting it be very Six Feet in tone. They give it a 7.5 out or 10, so I'm stoked.
TIFF Movie Review: Alan Ball’s Nothing is Private | /Film:
Posted by
9/14/2007 04:25:00 PM
Terry Zwigoff to direct "The $40,000 Man"
Comedy, Million dollar man, only with 40,000 dollars. Directed and written by Terry Zwigoff and Daniel Clowes the hardcore team who brought you Art School Confidential and Ghost World. Zwigoff also brought us Bad Santa, the only Christmas movie I like watching at Christmas.
Terry Zwigoff Helming The $40,000 Man - ComingSoon.net:
Posted by
9/14/2007 04:21:00 PM
Punk Rock Girl
We went to the Phillie Pizza Company
And ordered some hot tea
The waitress said "Well no
We only have it iced"
So we jumped up on the table
And shouted "anarchy"
And someone played a Beach Boys song
On the jukebox
It was "California Dreamin'"
So we started screamin'
"On such a winter's day"
Punk Rock Girl - Dead Milkmen
Am I the only person that still listens to this stuff?
Nothing Nice to Say - the world's FIRST online punk comic
Posted by
9/14/2007 04:16:00 PM
Sep 9, 2007
Sep 7, 2007
Rodriguez to direct Preacher Pilot?
If you haven't read Preacher please stand up, punch yourself really hard and then run to the nearest comic book shop. They'll have it. Yes, I'm sure. I don't care if they're an hour away. Yes, I'll be here when you get back.
Back? Did you like it? Oh, good. Now, you remember that guy who made "Sin City" and "Desperado"? He's possibly making the pilot for HBO. I know! Isn't that rad? Yes, I just said rad. No, I don't think it's dated. You just found out about a 6 year old comic book, who's dated? Don't get pissed, just be happy that it's getting made into an HBO series, because it's a perfect fit. If it has been a movie, tons of shit would have gotten cut like Arseface. What movie company is gonna put over 6 million into that? No, sit and wait, because HBO is gonna get good again real soon what with Preacher hitting soon and hopefully Alan Ball making that vampire show soon. I'M NOT TELLING YOU WHO ALAN BALL IS. GO USE IMDB LIKE A NORMAL PERSON. I'M NOT A DAMN SEARCH ENGINE. Go, read the next post.
Rumor: Robert Rodriguez to direct Preacher Pilot? | /Film
Posted by
9/07/2007 03:13:00 PM
Sep 4, 2007
Tv's not edgy anymore.
Tv has no balls. NO BALLS. As a result I though some of you might want to know where to seek out the gold nuggets of entertainment. You tube clips are afoot. First off old stuff:
Andy Kaufman
This is from the "Andy wrestles women" Phase post-Taxi years. The thought that you could watch a show and not know what's going to happen. The last time something like this happened in modern history Bobcat Goldthwait had to do community service. (He set fire to Jay Leno's Guest Chair. Coffee was poured on the burn and Bobcat was forced to sit in it.) It's also important to notice, this happened on David Letterman, who now wouldn't have the balls to allow half of this on his set. (see: Crispin Glover)
Tom Snider
Last of the great talkers, I started watching him when I was a kid. Sadly, it was like the last year he was on. At least I had that.
Howard Stern
Being interviewed by Tom Snyder. I feel like this is the best case one can make that Howard isn't just a garbage mouth like the media paints him, sure he's that, but he's also a very savvy broadcaster. It's worth the watch, he manages to get Tom to walk off his own show.
Gong Show
God Damnit I miss the 70's.
Morton Downey Jr.
While I didn't always agree with the man, It's amazing what he did with a nothing show with a nothing budget. Even though it was conservatism during the 80's it's still fun. He was a proto Jerry Springer, and his unfortunate cancellation gave us Rush Limbaugh. Remember: The show you cancel maybe the show you wish you had. Also, he hit Stuttering John with a chair and punched him.
OH GERALDO. The much hated and joked about mustached host of the late 80's was edgy to say the least. leading up the Jerry Springer hay day of the 90's Geroldo played it cool with Alien sex stories, racists, and Satanism.
You'll notice most of this new stuff is from comedy. It's my personal feeling that because Comedy is at it's best when it's edgy, and everything else on TV is so watered down this is where the good stuff is. I present - New Stuff:
South Park
Need I say more than "Scientology episode" to point out how South Park can stay relevant? Using technology to literally finish the episode the day before you watch it, Matt and Trey can stay on top of things.
Tim & Eric Awesome Show: Good Job!
It's also cool to note that the clip features Will Forte, the only funniest member of Saturday Night Live right now. There's only Four right now, counting him. *sigh* Anyways Tim & Eric recall Monty Python and Later years of Kids in the Hall. There hasn't been unbridled insanity like this on TV since Upright Citizen's Brigade. PS: Bone-us Clip: UCB pranking Al Roker on Live TV.
Jon Stewart
While he's the host of the daily show this clip from crossfire clearly shows not only is he funny and genuine about his feelings that media is falling apart, somebody I want in my corner. (Warning: It runs a little long but it's worth it.)
Stephen Colbert
This is one of my favorite pieces Colbert ever put together. His show is great as well, but I do miss those Colbert nuggets, pure concentrated Stephen goodness.
Donny Deutsch
Here this is kinda a softball interview with Blue Man Group. Most of the stuff I could find was with business people and while I find that interesting, you won't. Donnie is the last of the sit down interviewers. More than a 5 min piece of introducing a person and then plugging their product.
Bill Maher
Beyond being a talented comedian, Bill Maher is an excellent talk show host. Like others on this list, I don't always agree with them, but somebody has gotta be balls out, asking questions making you think about issues. Bill's got a new movie coming out on religon, keep your eyes pealed.
Conan O'Brien
Had to end with something funny because a lot of this stuff ran a little heavy. Some people disagree but when Conan turns it on, he's a great interviewer, However, this clip doesn't reflect that. Do your own damn research, I WANT BABIES ON CINDER BLOCKS. That's the other thing about Conan, getting back to being edgy, he redefined late night. He brought it to the younger generation and as I watch him turn from the idea to the institution, I'm glad, because late night would have fallen apart without him.
Some thoughts: There's a new show on the horizon, well, on E!. It's called "Chelsea Lately" and while when I've watched the show I've wanted to die, It's evolving, the last time I watched it, it was less painful. She gets an actor, a comedian, and a commentator, or some sorta tri-fecta like that, and has discussion and she intends to get people on IN THEIR OFF TIME when they DON'T have anything to sell. I like the idea, but the show, because it's purely entertainment, it's intentionally fluff, makes me sad because: it will die. Somebody needs to steal this idea, mix it with some daily show and put it on a network where it will thrive like a NBC, like a VH1, something that has the right demographics and it would be BOMB.
This post was inspired by my ex-neighbor Mr. Middleton whom I'm thinking I should have spent more time talking to instead of working myself to death. Next time I'll be introducing you to British Television you didn't know you could be loving.
Posted by
9/04/2007 02:28:00 PM
Sep 2, 2007
I C U/corpse bread/Fade To/those moon blues
New corpse up over at An Exquisite Corpse. I did the 3rd section.
An Exquisite Corpse: I C U/corpse bread/Fade To/those moon blues
Posted by
9/02/2007 09:56:00 AM
Waverly Films - The Hauntening
Being a professional asshole means I usually hate other people work. But, this is just too funny to commit hate against.
YouTube - The Hauntening
Posted by
9/02/2007 09:33:00 AM
Mike Rowe discusses shitty jobs on The Tonight Show
I loves da dirty jobs, yo.
The Tonight Show: Mike Rowe Shitty Jobs
Posted by
9/02/2007 08:16:00 AM
Largest Hand in the World
Poor fella, goto neat-o-rama for the full story.
Neatorama � Blog Archive � Largest Hand in the World
Posted by
9/02/2007 06:42:00 AM
Worm inside your face
Remember: if you eat tainted Dog meat this could happen.
YouTube - Worm inside your face
Posted by
9/02/2007 06:37:00 AM
Sep 1, 2007
4chan.org's answer to an age old question
please_a_woman.png (PNG Image, 562x462 pixels)
Posted by
9/01/2007 06:04:00 PM