Jun 9, 2007

Death Movie news

The good news: Guillermo del Toro is dircting "Death The High Cost of Living"
The bad news: It's over a decade late.

A death movie has about as much heat on it as a winter toilet. However, I am looking forward to it because Guillermo del Toro could shoot himself taking a shit and could make it interesting. Also he's fat. All great directors are fat. Orson Welles, Guillermo del Toro, Peter Jackson, Kevin Smith. Well, Peter Jackson has lost weight, and this mess with the Halo movie isn't good. Maybe he's losing his magical director's fat. Then again, The Lovely Bones is in Pre-Production. I'll have to wait to make a call on Peter Jackson. This post oopened up a weird can of worms, didn't it?

Exclusive: Gaiman's Death Back to Life - Superhero Hype!

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