Jun 30, 2007

Man thinks he is living inside Grand Theft Auto

He isn't insane, he just had the balls to do what the rest of us were dreaming about.

Boing Boing: Man thinks he is living inside Grand Theft Auto: sent to psychiatric facility

Billboards for the coming year

WARNING: GERMAN WEBSITE But, English billboards. They're catagorized by production company. My thoughts:

"Bee Movie" - Gay-tarded.
"Horton Hears a Who" - WHY? WHY GOD, WHY?
"Dark is Rising" - Hmm, want to know more...
"Enchanted" - I hate Disney sooooo much.
"I am Legend" - I'm listening, I'm listening...
"Beowulf" - HELLS YES!

My prediction: This summer is not the block buster they expected it to be. It's been pretty hit and miss. If DVD sales are the same as theater reactions this summer, then we can expect some crap-factory movies next year or two. Also, I expect with the next dip in Production Company profits, expect bootleg prosecutions to go up. Wow, this post is much longer than expected.

Billboards van de nieuwste films - Filmfocus.nl - Je blijft kijken!

ahhh, the refershing bad asssery of slow mo

A big bunch of slo-mo pics.

Dark Roasted Blend: Aim...Fire! (High Speed Photography)

Weird Russian Stuff

A whole bunch of weird Russian stuff, not for the squeamish.

English Russia � Kuntz-Kamera of St. Petersburg

Six degrees of Kevin Bacon, now easier!

Now you can cheat at "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" by using The Oracle of Bacon. Type in any stars nape and it seems to ussually spit it out in just two steps! YAY COMPUTERS!

UVA Computer Science: The Oracle of Bacon at Virginia

Jun 29, 2007

The Dead Milkmen Archives

A non-official website, if you love the milkmen as much as I, then you need to check it.

The Dead Milkmen Archives

Stupid Comics

Oh man, I LOVE the stupid comics blog over at Mister Kitty International. This installment is particularly good: it features out of context comics panels. HILARITY ENSUES.

Stupid Comics from Mrister Kitty

New Perry Bible Fellowship!

"A Thousand on Fancy-dancy Magic-prancy!"

Gamblin' Man - The Perry Bible Fellowship


I've always thought the same thing. Except it usually ends with me getting slapped, not romance. OH XKCD, WHY CAN'T I LIVE IN YOUR STICK WORLD?

xkcd - A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language - By Randall Munroe

Hellboy 2 Set Pics

Two Hellboy 2 set pics. Worth the visit.

Del Toro Films - Guillermo Del Toro Fansite - Hellboy 2 Set Pics!

Bale on The Joker and More Chicago Set Photos - Superhero Hype!

Just some cool set pics and a worthwhile quote from Christian Bale.

Bale on The Joker and More Chicago Set Photos - Superhero Hype!

New Line Looking to Take Over Conan the Barbarian

Awww yeah, check it. Andy and Larry Wachowski (The Matrix Trilogy and the up coming Speed Racer) will be directing if it all works out. TASTE MY HAPPINESS!

New Line Looking to Take Over Conan - Superhero Hype!

Most Anticipated Computer Games for 2007

Some cool pics and news about some of the games coming out a la 2007. YAY SPORE!

Dark Roasted Blend: Most Anticipated Computer Games for 2007

Netflix Lowers Price on 2-Out Plan

Rock it out, ladies! Netflix lowered their @-Out Unlimited plan by a buck! I know it's not much, but it's nice when everybody is over charging you for the price of air.

Hacking NetFlix : Netflix Lowers Price on 2-Out Plan - Price War?

Jun 28, 2007

Jack Black as Driving Miss Daisy

Hot new "Be Kind, Rewind" pics and news. READ IT.

Photo: Jack Black is Driving Miss Daisy in Michel Gondry’s Be Kind, Rewind | /Film

AT LONG LAST! Some damn Indy 4 news

Here, Nazis are replaced with commies. DAMNIT. I LOVES ME SOME NAZIS. Also the opening sounds gay-tarded. early prediction: indy 4 will fail worse than any of us could have imagined.

Indiana Jones 4 Plot Details and Photos Revealed | /Film

Optimus Prime Tries to Order a Whopper

Frankly I don't know how I feel about this.

Video: Optimus Prime Tries to Order a Whopper | /Film

Jun 25, 2007

The Long Ride Home

For those of you reading/keeping track "The Long Ride Home" is my new short film. We're casting Wednesday. A young woman dies and the film follows what she does before she crosses over. I promise it's not a gothy or boring as it sounds. I tried to integrate David Lynch, Kevin Smith, and Riddley Scott (circa Blade Runner). Everybody who's read the script claims they love it. I also have big feelings about it, I think it's one of the better things I've ever written. Expect updates in the following weeks.

Blade Runner - 25th Anniversary - MythBusters Appreciation

Adam Savage giving Blade runner some love. I love that movie. Also, it's a big part of the lighting and mood of my next short for those of you that care.

Blade Runner - Special Effects - 25th Anniversary - MythBusters Appreciation - Popular Mechanics

The new Wes Anderson Hotness

OH LADY. The Darjeeling Limited is the new Wes Anderson flick. HOORAH. It stars: Jason Schwartzman, Adrien Brody and Owen Wilson. YES! It's about guys trying to find an albino tiger that is the reincarnation of their father! YAY! Well, Wes Anderson says it's not, but whatever. One of my fav indie directors is back in style and that's all that matters.

First Look: Wes Anderson’s The Darjeeling Limited | /Film

A Script page from Kevin's next Comedy!

Even though "Zack and Miri Make a Porno" probably won't be out until 2009 you can read a page which appears to be from the moment Zack and Miri arguing weather or not they'll do it. Pun intended. They Unprintable words (it's in entertainment weekly) have been preplaced with cuddled which gives it a whole other weird level that isn't there.

The EW 100: Movies Entertainment Weekly

Jun 24, 2007

Theremin Cover Version of Gnarls Barkley’s Crazy

The Eather and Aether Experiment shows off their new hotness with a teramin cover of "Crazy" by who-should-have-won-record-of-the-year-Grammy Gnarls Barkley. DAMN YOU DIXIE CHICKS!

Laughing Squid � Theremin Cover Version of Gnarls Barkley’s Crazy


AWW YEAH, the girls have to baby sit! I can't figure out why I love this cartoon. I'm worried it makes me "weird".

Bebe's Sitter's Kids!

Jun 18, 2007

45 Photos from Transformers

45 picutres of the new Transformers movie, YAY.

45 Photos from Michael Bay’s Transformers | /Film

Jun 17, 2007

Strong Bad E-mail #173

Oh man, it's time for the old printer to do, WITH HILARIOUS RESULTS!

Strong Bad E-mail #173

Jun 16, 2007

Wall-E Movie Trailer

You can start getting excited now.

Must Watch: Pixar’s Wall-E Movie Trailer | /Film

Fatty Begins Final Phase of Script Writing Need to Plan Casting

Hey, that's right, I could be casting as early as next week so place some phone calls and help me out. Give your friends my contact info, give me their contact info, anything it's about that time and any and all help is appreciated! Even if you've never acted before I have a few slots for people who just want to skeeze their way into a movie. So please, if you've taken the time to read this, for PLEASE do something. I've really tried to make something good, now I've got to breathe life into it. So get to work!

Fatty Begins Final Phase of Script Writing Need to Plan Casting

Hey, that's right, I could be casting as early as next week so place some phone calls and help me out. Give your friends my contact info, give me their contact info, anything it's about that time and any and all help is appreciated! Even if you've never acted before I have a few slots for people who just want to skeeze their way into a movie. So please, if you've taken the time to read this, for PLEASE do something. I've really tried to make something good, now I've got to breathe life into it. So get to work!

Jun 11, 2007

Once Again, XKCD speaks only the truth.

I only post the funny ones and I think if you're a guy you've been in this position before.

xkcd - A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language - By Randall Munroe

Electric Kool-Aid Acid - The Movie

Long overdue film treatment of the Tom Wolfe book. I still need to read it, Ken Kesey (writer of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) is a central figure in it.

Van Sant Tests Electric Kool-Aid Acid - ComingSoon.net

Jun 9, 2007


A more truthful sign there is not.


Preacher HBO series news

That one feller what made Ghost Rider has been jawin' it up about makin' the Preacher HBO series. We don't take kindly to people who don't read Preacher 'round these parts.

iF Magazine

Death Movie news

The good news: Guillermo del Toro is dircting "Death The High Cost of Living"
The bad news: It's over a decade late.

A death movie has about as much heat on it as a winter toilet. However, I am looking forward to it because Guillermo del Toro could shoot himself taking a shit and could make it interesting. Also he's fat. All great directors are fat. Orson Welles, Guillermo del Toro, Peter Jackson, Kevin Smith. Well, Peter Jackson has lost weight, and this mess with the Halo movie isn't good. Maybe he's losing his magical director's fat. Then again, The Lovely Bones is in Pre-Production. I'll have to wait to make a call on Peter Jackson. This post oopened up a weird can of worms, didn't it?

Exclusive: Gaiman's Death Back to Life - Superhero Hype!

Watchmen Movie news

If you've read "Watchmen" by Alan Moore then you know the score. If you haven't, THEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?! GO DOWN TO THE COMIC SHOP AND BUY THREE COPIES RIGHT NOW! Otherwise, the director of "300" drops some serious news about the movie, just follow the link.

Director Zack Snyder on Watchmen! - Superhero Hype!

Opera Browser For the Nintendo DS

For 30 bucks you can put Opera on your DS. Kinda cool.

Freakin' Finally!: Opera Browser For the Nintendo DS Available In US - Gizmodo

The New Transformers Theme

It's actually available for download via the link below. Not sure what it sounds like, not listend to it yet, alot of people are screaming "Linkin Park". Aw Jesus!

A Bayified TRANSFORMERS Theme Rocks Onto The Internets!! -- Ain't It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news.

Jun 4, 2007

Boing Boing: LA Times: Hippies-turned-homeowners vs. Punks in Haight-Ashbury

OH CAPTAIN, MY CAPTAIN. Just read the quotes. Go ahead, read 'em. The more the world changes the more it stays the same. Hippies vs. Punks. Why can't you be alive now Abbie Hoffman?

Boing Boing: LA Times: Hippies-turned-homeowners vs. Punks
in Haight-Ashbury

I Love You Phillip Morris

Possible overload of funny? "I Love You Phillip Morris" is a dark comedy written by the pair behind "Bad Santa", it will be financed by Luc Besson's company (Luc Besson was behind "The Fifth Element", "The Transporter", and "The Professional". The man knows his stuff.) It will star Jim Carrey, who is a hotter as an independent star than mainstream lead at the moment.

Jim Carrey Loves Phillip Morris - ComingSoon.net

Mario Heaven

See where Mario goes when he dies!


The Happy Monkey

Possibly NSFW, a very funny set of pictures featuring one very happy monkey.

The New York Nerd � Happy Monkey

144 Jagibomb World Record

The video is a little long, but worth it to see the Jagerbomb world record. Oh Jager, is there anything you can't do?

YouTube - 144 Jagibomb World Record (James Hotel,

Finger Saver!

Click Here for more great videos and pictures!

This video is awesome to watch. This saw kills itself so it doesn't lop off your nose picker.

Finger Saver: Amazing SawStop Cuts Anything But Your Fingers - Gizmodo

Cyberpunk Art Update

Oh Lady. I loves me some cyberpunk. From the early Bladerunner to the current... uh, what's the most recent cyberpunk movie? We'll say... Oldboy? Is that even safe to bring up that movie any more?

Dark Roasted Blend: Cyberpunk Art Update

Jun 3, 2007


Expect a store with DVDs and CDs soon! There will be a Miracle Play, Best of BudhaCronX, and an audio CD of me available with news titles as I make them. More info soon as well as an update on the Jesse James Art and Film Festival.